New online service to find and comment on care

[Source: Care Industry News] The NHS has launched new online information profiles that will help people to choose, compare and comment on care homes and other care services. The new profiles, part of the NHS Choices website, will create the most definitive online source of information on care services, including: essential information from every registered […]

Life Changes Trust – new dementia charity – launches in Scotland

Life Changes Trust (LCT), a new independent charity in Scotland, is set to have a major impact on the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the country. Over the next ten years, the Trust will invest £50 million to benefit individuals and communities by nurturing initiatives and influencing policy. The Trust will […]

Local to you

The Lewy Body Society does not run any local support groups, but if you would like to be involved in supporting people with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) or Parkinson’s dementia (PDD) in your area, please get in touch. For information on dementia services in your area, try Dementia web which is gathering together details […] is an authoritative source of information about the brain and nervous system for the public. This site contains a huge amount of information of all the latest information on the science of the brain. “The brain is the most complex biological structure in the known universe. It is a topic rich with exciting new […]

Legal advice for dementia carers

‘Dementia: making decisions’ is a very helpful booklet by Alzheimer Scotland. It is full of information for anyone thinking through issues around powers of attorney, guardianship or deputyship in England, Scotland or Wales.