Local to you

The Lewy Body Society does not run any local support groups, but if you would like to be involved in supporting people with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) or Parkinson’s dementia (PDD) in your area, please get in touch. For information on dementia services in your area, try Dementia web which is gathering together details […]

New Blog: A week with Mr Lewy Body

Karen Wilson whose Dad has Lewy Body Dementia decided to write a blog called ‘A week with Mr Lewy Body’. Her aim is to bring awareness to all types of dementia, and hopefully raise some money. The blog has links to both Alzheimers and the Lewy Body Society, for people to donate. It is published […]

Carers Guide: Living with Lewys

Although this book has be around for several years and we list it in our Books Section. We thought it worth highlighting again, especially for new carers. If anyone has read this and can contribute a review. Please mail via our Contact Form.

9 – 15 June: Carers Week

Carers Week is a UK-wide annual awareness campaign taking place from Monday 9 to Sunday 15 June 2014. Its aim is to improve the lives of carers and the people they care for. It does this by raising awareness of carers at a national, regional and local level. Hundreds of organisations and individuals join in […]

New tool to find dementia care in local area

[Source: Royal College of GPs, 22/05/14] The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has launched an online tool called the Dementia Roadmapto help people with dementia access care in their local area. Aimed at doctors and providers of community care, the Dementia Roadmap is a comprehensive ‘one stop shop’ designed to reflect a patient’s needs […]

Care UK – Listen, Talk, Connect

Care UK has produced a ‘Listen, Talk, Connect’ guide to help carers of loved ones with dementia. Listen, talk, connect has been put together by colleagues and those with personal experience of caring for loved ones, to assist relatives, friends and carers to continue having meaningful conversations with anyone living with dementia. Click here to […]

LBS publish two new leaflets

The Lewy Body Society has produced two new information leaflets to help frontline healthcare staff and the public recognise and respond to the symptoms of Lewy body dementia, the second most common progressive dementia, which affects over 130,000 people in the UK. The leaflets are entitled: ‘Are you worried about dementia?’ and ‘Referral for a […]

Carers’ Call to Action

At least 670,000 people in England have dementia and this number is set to double in the next 30 years. It is estimated that at least 550,000 people act as primary carers – this by no means reflects the number of children, extended family and friends whose lives are also affected. Caring for a loved […]

Living with Lewy body dementia

Written in 2012 by physiotherapist Judy Towne Jennings, this comprehensive guide benefits from professional and personal experience of Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Judy writes from personal experience of caring for her husband Dean and her many years of treating movement disorders. If you would be interested in reviewing this brave and unflinching account of the […]

Dementia scheme encourages health professionals to listen to carers

The Triangle of Care initiative for dementia, developed as a partnership between the Carers Trust, theRoyal College of Nursing and people with dementia and their carers, sets out a framework for meaningful engagement between professionals and those with first-hand experience of the condition. For more information, read The Guardian article on the Triangle of Care […]