New info on our Resources page
We’ve updated our Resources page for people affected by Lewy body dementias. Please have a look and let us know what you think!
World-leading commitment to post-diagnostic dementia support in Scotland
A new national commitment to give help and advice to people diagnosed with dementia in Scotlandcame into force on 31 March. The first of its kind in the world, the commitment will see a named support worker creating tailored care plans to help people with dementia and their families understand the illness, manage its symptoms […]
New NICE guidance to improve commissioning of care for people with dementia
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued a guide to support the commissioning of high-quality, evidence-based care of people who have dementia, which includes a new social care dementia quality standard – Supporting people to live well with dementia (Reference: QS30). Dr Jill Rasmussen, Clinical Champion for Dementia, Royal College of […]
New home for government info on dementia
The Department of Health’s website is being archived and will no longer be updated. Newer information from government about dementia will appear from now onwards on
20 March – Dementia Action Alliance Quarterly Meeting
Lewy Body Society played an active role in the Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) meeting on Wednesday 20 March. Speakers included Shadow Health Secretary, Andy Burnham MP and Dr Martin McShane of the NHS Commissioning Board (see ‘Domain 2: Improving Outcomes for People with Long Term Conditions’). If you would like to find out more about […]
Alternatives to antipsychotics highlighted at Westminster event
The Faculty of Psychology of Older People of the British Psychological Society has launched its new report“Alternatives to Antipsychotic Medication” at a Westminster event. Spreading knowledge in this area is particularly important because of the sensitivity of some people with dementia with Lewy bodies to neuroleptic drugs — a sensitivity that can result in severe […]
13 and 14 March – LBS stand at NHS Health Expo
The Lewy Body Society exhibited jointly with Parkinson’s UK in the Dementia Village at the NHS Health Expo at London’s ExCel on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 March #dementiachallenge #nhsexpo
12 March – LBS presence at ‘Innovate Dementia’
LBS took part in the Innovate Dementia Symposium in Liverpool on 12 March.
Now tweeting @lbsorg

We’ve relaunched our Twitter feed. Please follow and tweet us @lbsorg Thank you!
Putting care right campaign
Alzheimer’s Society has launched a campaign called Putting Care Right which aims to improve the quality of care for people with dementia in a variety of settings: care homes, hospital and people’s own homes. A survey by the Alzheimer’s Society has discovered that more than 320,000 of the 400,000 people living in the 20,000 care […]