Grant Round 2022
We are the only charity dedicated solely to Lewy body dementia in the UK. Through our application and review process we aim to fund the
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It is Lewy body Society’s mission to fund clinical research, understand the causes of Lewy body dementia, and advance its diagnosis and treatment. We have funded ground-breaking projects and worked with top UK universities since 2007.
The Lewy Body Society is an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner. This means the studies that we fund may be eligible to access the NIHR Study Support Service which is provided by the NIHR Research Delivery Network within the NHS, and the wider public health and social care environment, across England.
To ensure we fund the best quality research into Lewy body dementia we have a thorough peer review process which follows guidelines set out by the Association of Medical Research Charities.
Our Specialist Advisory Committee ensures we make objective funding decisions that comply with our research strategy.
These 15 UK-based experts review all applications for our grant funding, along with input from expert reviewers from across the world.
We are the only charity dedicated solely to Lewy body dementia in the UK. Through our application and review process we aim to fund the
One of the Lewy Body Society’s main aims is to support research into Lewy body dementia, to help improve diagnosis and treatment of the disease
We would like to invite you to take part in a new research study hosted by a research group based at Cardiff University. Since 2004
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© 2023 The Lewy body Society. Registered Charity No: 1114579 (England and Wales) and SC047044 (Scotland). Website by ATTAIN