A new approach to Lewy body dementia support

 In this article, researcher Alison Killen describes a new support group she has established for people living with Lewy body dementia and their families, and why she wants these groups to be available in all areas. I work as a researcher at Newcastle University and I am also training to be a health psychologist. My […]

Lockdown – a poem by Sarah Habermass

This poem was sent to us by one of our supporters Sarah Habermass. It is about her father who sadly passed away in 2017 with Lewy body dementia. He was Welsh, a keen gardener and an ex-teacher, and through the poem Sarah has tried to convey how she imagined his world to be, while living […]

Virtual coffee morning for Dotty Days 2020

As part of our awareness week Dotty Days, which is taking place from 1-7 June, we are asking supporters to hold a coffee morning with a difference! With ongoing restrictions due to the COVID-19 crisis, a traditional gathering in a hall, café or workplace canteen isn’t possible. But you can still connect with family and […]

Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Week – ‘Dotty Days’

1-7 June 2020 This year’s Dotty Days will be a little different. The cake sales and garden open days will have to wait, but you can still mark the week and help us raise awareness in the following ways: * Wear dots – an item you own or you can purchase a badge or wristband […]

The Lewy Body Society and Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic is having a terrible impact on our society, with so many people now affected by this awful disease which has claimed so many lives. Many charities are finding their services are needed more than ever, and are finding new ways to reach people. Yet at the same time, many charities are struggling […]

COVID-19 Advice Sheet for people living with LBD and their families and carers

The current coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic is an unsettling and anxious time for everyone. This can be especially so if you have, or care for, someone with a condition such as Lewy body dementia which may increase vulnerability to the effects of the virus. Newcastle University has produced an advice sheet in collaboration with the […]

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is a time of concern for anyone with existing health conditions and we urge you to check and follow the latest NHS guidance. The society is here to take your calls: 01942 914000 & answer your emails: info@lewybody.org on Lewy body dementia. We also continue to work in partnership wth the Dementia UK helpline […]

Chris Leek appointed as an Ambassador of The Lewy Body Society

Chris Leek , has joined Ken Clasper, Conor McGinn MP and Les Magee to become our fourth Ambassador. We are delighted that he has agreed to take on the role. Chris has first-hand experience of Lewy body dementia as his father is living with Lewy body dementia. Chris Leek completed the Enduroman Arch 2 Arc […]