Newcastle University

Our second grant for 2018/19 is for a project which aims to develop a new test for Lewy body dementia. Project name Developing biomechanical methods to detect dementia with Lewy bodies Project team Dr Marzena Kurzawa-Akanbi, Dr Christopher Morris, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University (more information here) Prof Phil Whitfield, University of the Highlands and […]

University of Cambridge

Our first grant for 2018/19 is for a project which aims to identify ‘repurposed’ treatments for Lewy body dementia Project name Drug Repurposing for Dementia with Lewy Bodies Project team Led by Professor John T O’Brien, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge (read Prof O’Brien’s biography here) Aim of the study To identify any existing drugs, […]

Skin test project to aid LBD diagnosis

Background Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the second most common type of neurodegenerative dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. It is associated with characteristic features such as the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, visual hallucinations and fluctuating cognitive impairment. The diagnosis of DLB can be difficult. Currently there is a scan that helps to diagnose DLB, but […]

New research funded by the Lewy Body Society

The Lewy Body Society is very pleased and proud to announce that it is now funding a 3 year clinical research fellowship to Dr Jay Amin at Southampton University. Dr Amin is investigating the role of systemic and central inflammation in dementia with Lewy bodies. The LBS does not have the capability to administer research […]

LBS research will speed up drug testing

Dr Tilo Kunath of the University of Edinburgh received funding from the Lewy Body Society to make live models of cortical neurons (brain cells) affected by dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) to be used to test new drugs for DLB. Dr Kunath’s team produced a significant advance which will speed up the testing of new […]

Unique genes involved in Lewy body dementia

  The Lewy Body Society provided funds which contributed to this piece of research “Unique Genes involved in Lewy Body Dementia” Unique genes involved in Lewy body dementia A team of researchers from around the world has found that some genes play different roles in Lewy body dementia compared to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The discovery, […]

Past research grants

The LBS funded two Innovation Grants with Parkinson’s UK for research which increased understanding of Lewy body dementias. Dr Jose Bras and his team at University College, London received a grant of £35,000 to analyse the DNA of 700 people with DLB in  order to look for subtle genetic changes which  have led to further […]

Summary of our doctoral student’s PhD research

“Role of Glucocerebrosidase mutations in Dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease” Marzena Kurzawa PhD thesis Supervisors Prof. Patrick Chinnery, Dr Christopher Morris Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a common form of age-related neurodegenerative dementia, that is clinically and pathologically related to Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease. […]

Doctoral research

Our sponsored Ph.D. student describes her project: “My PhD project investigates genes and molecular processes which might lead to dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson’s disease (PD), focusing on the glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene. It has recently been suggested that the presence of a faulty GBA gene contributes to the risk of developing DLB and […]