Press release: Scanning and imaging techniques at the forefront of latest Lewy body dementia research

Grants awarded by dementia charity to drive forward diagnosis and treatment The Lewy Body Society, a charity dedicated to tackling the second most common form of dementia, has announced the latest recipients of its grants programme. The charity is awarding three grants totalling £366,000 for projects at the University of Cambridge, Newcastle University and Kings […]
Volunteers with LBD sought for new study

The Dementia Research Centre at University College London is looking for volunteers with Lewy body dementia to take part in a new research study funded by the British Medical Association Foundation. Background to the study In order to develop new treatments for Lewy body dementia (LBD) or to test existing treatments, researchers need to use […]
Police recruits fundraise for LBS during training

We would like to say a big thank you to Metropolitan Police recruits in classes 106A and 106E who took part in fundraising activities for the Lewy Body Society and have raised £625. Each police intake is encouraged to raise some money for a desired charity and the Lewy Body Society was suggested by their […]
New study seeks carers’ experiences of visual hallucinations in LBD

Visual hallucinations (VH) are the experience of seeing something that is not actually there. They can occur in those who are healthy but are more common in people with brain deteriorating illnesses affected by Lewy body disorder (LBD); this includes those suffering from Parkinson’s disease, Parkinson’s disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies. As these […]
Charity ball in Wigan raises over £1800 for dementia research

On Saturday 9th November businesses from across Wigan turned out in force to support the Lewy Body Society at a gala ball organised by Diane Wilde from Rutter Green Estate and Letting Agents. The event, kindly hosted for free by Gathurst Golf Club in Shevington, featured an auction, entertainment from singer Chloe Erika Pownell and […]
New world record for Chris in London to Paris endurance challenge

We are thrilled to share the news that Chris Leek completed the Enduroman Arch 2 Arc Triathlon last weekend and achieved a world record in the non-wetsuit category by finishing in just 69 hours. In this time he ran 87 miles from Marble Arch in London to Dover, swam 21 miles across the English Channel, […]
Genetic research into Lewy body dementia

Dementia with Lewy Bodies Research – Can you help? The research is being conducted by a research group based at Cardiff University School of Medicine led by Professor Julie Williams, with centres all over the country taking part. The following information is from the study leaflet which you can download here. Since 2004 we have […]
Help change the future for Lewy body dementia

Access investigational medicines for Lewy body dementia on a clinical trial Re:Cognition Health, a world-leading centre for late phase international clinical trials for Alzheimer’s and dementia research, is currently enrolling volunteers with a Lewy body dementia diagnosis to take part in a trial to help test potential new treatments. Clinical trials are imperative, helping us […]
Vision and attention study – Cardiff University

Visual and attention impairments are common in Lewy body dementia. For example, some people may find it difficult to recognise objects, or may find that they are distracted during conversation. These problems with vision and attention can help to reliably distinguish Lewy body dementia from Alzheimer’s disease and similar disorders. Therefore, it is important that […]
Chris Leek’s £1m ‘Arch to Arc’ challenge

Every single one of our supporters who completes a physical challenge to raise money for Lewy body dementia research – whether it’s a 5k race, a mountain walk or a marathon – has our gratitude and admiration. We couldn’t have funded £1 million in research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of the disease without […]