Research update: support for people living with LBD and family carers

Study Title: The feasibility and acceptability of a psychosocial intervention to support people with dementia with Lewy bodies and family care partners We have received an update from Newcastle University about a study that was supported by The Lewy Body Society, which we wanted to share with our supporters. Background Clinicians and people with lived […]
Hallucinations – new leaflet and webinar on 5th July

Hallucinations and changes in visual perception can be among the most challenging symptoms of Lewy body dementia, both for the person living with the disease and their family/caregivers. That’s why we’ve produced a new resource with information and tips about how to manage hallucinations, based on feedback from people living with LBD and their carers. […]
My father and Lewy body dementia – an essay by Jane Sigaloff

As Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Week 2021 gets underway, we are delighted to publish a special essay by Jane Sigaloff. Jane is a published author and in this powerful piece she describes the range of emotions she experienced during her father’s Lewy body dementia journey. Peter was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia in 2015 and […]
New Trustees for The Lewy Body Society

The Lewy Body Society, the only UK-based charity dedicated exclusively to Lewy body dementia (the second most common type of dementia in older people), has welcomed three new members to its Board of Trustees. Liz Bewley, Carol Bewick and Doug Pattison join The Lewy Body Society as it celebrates 15 years since it was founded […]
Dotty Days coffee morning – celebrating 15 years of the Lewy Body Society

9th June 2021, 11am. Via Zoom Dotty Days, otherwise known as Lewy body awareness week, takes place from 6-13th June 2021. This year is extra special as it is our 15th birthday as a charity. We remain the only UK-based charity focused exclusively on Lewy body dementia. Join us for a virtual get together during […]
Lewy body dementia awareness week ‘Dotty Days’ 6-12 June 2021

We are delighted to confirm that this year’s Dotty Days – otherwise known as Lewy body dementia awareness week – will take place from 6th-12th June. It’s an extra special one this year as we are celebrating our 15th year as a charity, and we remain the only UK-based organisation focused solely on LBD. There […]
Exploring the effects of COVID-19 on people with dementia

As a research charity we are very keen to support studies that help advance understanding of the lives of people with Lewy body dementia, their families and carers, in addition to funding research through our grants programme. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we have been supporting a project led by Dr Clarissa Giebel, from the University […]
Online events now open for booking – May 2021

We are pleased to announce a further round of online events that are now available for booking. If you have any problems booking or have suggestions for future events, please send us an email. Tuesday 11th May 11am – Introduction to AMRC Open Research AMRC Open Research is a platform for rapid author-led publication & […]
Lewy Body UK conference – 15th June 2021

We are delighted to be working with our partners in the academic community to host a scientific conference focusing on all the latest Lewy body dementia research, and marking our 15th year as a charity. The conference is open to everone and is free to attend. However for people living with Lewy body dementia, their […]
Forthcoming online events – April 2021

We are pleased to announce a further round of online events that are now available for booking. If you have any problems booking or have suggestions for future events, please send us an email. Monday 12th April 11am – A talk with Karen Meenan, Global Brain Health Institute & Lewy Body Ireland Find out about […]