New study seeks carers’ experiences of visual hallucinations in LBD

Visual hallucinations (VH) are the experience of seeing something that is not actually there. They can occur in those who are healthy but are more common in people with brain deteriorating illnesses affected by Lewy body disorder (LBD); this includes those suffering from Parkinson’s disease, Parkinson’s disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies. As these […]
Dotty Days 2019 – Lewy body dementia awareness week

Dotty Days 2019 runs from 1-8 June this year and we wanted to let you know how you can get involved. You can buy your dotty pin badge, wristbands or ribbons on our online shop here or message us for a free fundraising pack. We really hope this year Dotty Days will be bigger […]
Review of NHS quality standards for dementia care

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is reviewing the quality standards it will ask the NHS to focus on in future. These are areas that NHS services will be measured against to see how well they are performing. We recently asked for your feedback on the draft standards. Based on the responses […]
The Imagine Series

‘The Imagine Series’ is an new patient and carer involvement programme coordinated by VOICE and delivered in collaboration with the NIHR Innovation Observatory. The Innovation Observatory is a national centre funded by the Department of Health and aims to see what the management of health conditions could, and should, look like in the future. The […]
My Mum Has Lewy Body Dementia

Angela Dancocks is an A&E doctor and was working in Australia when her Mum was diagnosed with DLB. She returned from Australia 2 years ago and since then has kept a weekly blog of her visits to see her Mum in her care home. Read it here.
Web based course for dementia carers

Course Link Built by the Future Learn Group at Newcastle University, this course will provide you with knowledge and advice that can help you connect with and care for someone living with dementia. We will focus on everyday experiences that are seen as particularly challenging and stressful. Newcastle University has great expertise in ageing and […]
Call to Mind Board Game
Call to mind… is a specially designed board game that helps get to know and understand the thinking, likes and dislikes of someone with dementia. This tool also stimulates memories and encourages conversations, both as the game is played and in everyday interactions. It can be played at home with friends and family or in […]
Active Minds
Meaningful Dementia Activity Resources Since 2010 Active Minds has been researching, designing and developing activity products to assist people with dementia in leading active, engaging and fulfilling lives – enjoying activities that are meaningful to them. Active Minds was set-up as a social business with a mission to create positive, well-made, human-centred and evidence-based activity […]
Peter Ashley first diagnosed in 2000

In this video, Peter Ashley talks frankly about living with the disease and the impact it has had on both himself and his wife. He is a former trustee of the Lewy Body Society and leads a busy life although he was first diagnosed with the disease in July 2000.
Dementia assessments within six weeks, Prime Minister David Cameron announces

The Prime Minister David Cameron has set out a new, long-term strategy for dementia and promised that initial dementia assessments will take place within six weeks. The article is entitled: ‘Dementia assessments within six weeks, Prime Minister David Cameron announces” Nursing In Practice website.