Lewy Body Society welcomes two new Ambassadors

The Lewy Body Society, the charity dedicated to the second most common form of dementia among older people, has welcomed Chris Maddocks and John O’Doherty as its latest Ambassadors. The charity’s Ambassadors are usually people who have experience of Lewy body dementia and are willing to help promote and support its work promoting research into […]
A survey study of delirium in people with Lewy body dementia

We are posting this information on behalf of Dr. James FitzGerald from the Department of Old Age Psychiatry, University of Cambridge Are you a carer, relative or close friend of a person with a diagnosis of either Lewy body dementia or Alzheimer’s disease dementia? If so, you are invited to participate in a survey study […]
Let’s Chat: online events programme launched

Our first two online events will take place this month, via Zoom, as we seek to bring together our community and support people affected by Lewy body dementia. Meet the Chief Executive & Introduction to the Lewy Body Society Tuesday 21st July, 11am UK time This event is a chance for you to meet our […]
The Lewy Body Society and Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic is having a terrible impact on our society, with so many people now affected by this awful disease which has claimed so many lives. Many charities are finding their services are needed more than ever, and are finding new ways to reach people. Yet at the same time, many charities are struggling […]
Letter to Health Secretary – impact of COVID-19 on people living with Lewy body dementia

The current coronavirus crisis is extremely worrying for people living with Lewy body dementia, their families and carers. The team at the Lewy Body Society is heartbroken at the loss of so many of our fellow citizens, and humbled by the selfless efforts of those working in our health and care systems. For people with […]
COVID-19 Advice Sheet for people living with LBD and their families and carers

The current coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic is an unsettling and anxious time for everyone. This can be especially so if you have, or care for, someone with a condition such as Lewy body dementia which may increase vulnerability to the effects of the virus. Newcastle University has produced an advice sheet in collaboration with the […]
Chris Leek appointed as an Ambassador of The Lewy Body Society

Chris Leek , has joined Ken Clasper, Conor McGinn MP and Les Magee to become our fourth Ambassador. We are delighted that he has agreed to take on the role. Chris has first-hand experience of Lewy body dementia as his father is living with Lewy body dementia. Chris Leek completed the Enduroman Arch 2 Arc […]
Volunteers with LBD sought for new study

The Dementia Research Centre at University College London is looking for volunteers with Lewy body dementia to take part in a new research study funded by the British Medical Association Foundation. Background to the study In order to develop new treatments for Lewy body dementia (LBD) or to test existing treatments, researchers need to use […]
Updated guide to Lewy body dementia now available

We’ve given our popular publication A guide to Lewy body dementia an update and refresh. This booklet provides an introduction to the disease including what you might expect when seeking a diagnosis and what treatments are available. It also offers advice about planning ahead and looking after yourself as a carer. Many people have told […]
First ever Consultant Admiral Nurse for Lewy body dementia

The Lewy Body Society is delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Thompson as the first ever Consultant Admiral Nurse for Lewy body dementia. The new role represents the next stage in the charity’s partnership with Dementia UK, which runs the Admiral Nurse service and helpline. Rachel will continue to be hosted by Dementia UK, […]