On September 18th 2011, Alex Haydock ran the Great North Run in Newcastle in 1 hour 56 minutes. He ran the 13.1 miles to raise awareness for the Lewy Body Society because his Grandad has Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB). He picked the Great North Run as his Grandad and half of Alex’s family reside in the area. He has fond childhood memories of the two of them watching the Great North Run on TV and so it seemed the logical choice.
Alex found that the event itself was an amazing experience with such a great atmosphere and with so many people running for so many good causes.
He said that “It is very sad to see someone you love suffer from such a terrible disease for which there is no cure” and he asks for your support in raising awareness of DLB. Please sponsor Alex by clicking the link to his ‘Just Giving Page’.