Lewy Body Society announces new specialist advisory committee members

Close up of scientists' hands consulting over paperwork

We are delighted to introduce the newest members of the Lewy Body Society Specialist Advisory Committee.

Our SAC ensures we make objective funding decisions that comply with our research strategy and are the best use of the funds so generously donated by our supporters. 

The UK-based panel of experts review all applications for our grant funding.

We welcome Dr Rohan Bhome, from UCL; Dr Leonidas Chouliaras, University of Cambridge; Dr Greg Elder, Northumbria University; Dr Clarissa Giebel, University of Liverpool; Dr Joe Kane, Queen’s University, Belfast; Dr David Koss, University of Dundee; physiotherapist Vicky Roberts, University of Exeter; Dr Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani, University of Birmingham; Dr Catherine Talbot, Bournemouth University; and Prof Rimona Weil, at UCL.

They join current SAC members Dr Jay Amin, Anne Child MBE, Dr Paul Donaghy, Dr Daniel Erskine, Prof Paul Francis and Consultant Admiral Nurse Rachel Thompson to give LBS the widest possible expertise in our decision-making.

Thank you to Dr Jill Rasmussen, Prof Ian McKeith, Prof Paul Francis, Fiona Lindop, Prof John O’Brien, Dr John-Paul Taylor, D Zuzana Walker, Dr Marzena Kurzawa-Akanbi leaving us after their six-year term of service. Their work has been much appreciated.