Community of Practice

Nurse or Allied Health Professional

Are you a nurse, allied health professional or researcher interested in joining our new Community of Practice for Lewy body dementia?

Would you like to connect with other professionals who support people with Lewy body dementia and their families?
A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group focused on a shared interest, working together for individual and group improvement.

The Lewy body dementia CoP, partnered with the Lewy Body Society, offers information, events, collaboration with healthcare professionals, and a supportive community for those working with Lewy body dementia.

Experienced professionals lead the CoP, aiming to foster a thriving learning environment – your help is needed!

Together, our community’s goals are:

  • Support professional development
  • Share resources and knowledge
  • Raise awareness of Lewy body dementia

Please register below to join us and to receive information about upcoming events. The log in area will be used to share useful resources for practice.

Our next webinars are due to take place on the following dates. Invitations for webinars will be sent to all members of the Community of Practice.

Wednesday 9th October 2024 (1pm- 2:30pm) Communication matters in Lewy body dementia

DIAMOND Lewy Toolkit

The DIAMOND-Lewy programme was funded by the National Institute for Health Research.

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Lewy body dementia Slide Set

To support the charity’s mission to raise awareness of Lewy body dementia and educate those in health and social care about all aspects of the disease; a slide set has been developed.

Download Slide Deck


Watch recordings and dedicated content from Lewy Body dementia webinars here.

Watch Our Videos Here

DIAMOND Lewy Toolkit

The DIAMOND-Lewy programme was funded by the National Institute for Health Research.

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Lewy body dementia Slide Set

To support the charity’s mission to raise awareness of Lewy body dementia and educate those in health and social care about all aspects of the disease; a slide set has been developed.

Download Slide Deck


Watch recordings and dedicated content from Lewy Body dementia webinars here.

Watch Our Videos Here