Dad sticks his oar in for Lewy body dementia in solo trans-Atlantic “Toughest Row”
A DAD is hoping to make his family proud by taking on the World’s Toughest Row to raise £100,000 for those living with Lewy body
Lewy body dementia is a complex and frequently misdiagnosed disease that affects memory, thinking, movement, sleep and behaviour. No one should face it alone
The community for people with “The most common type of dementia you have never heard of”, their families and carers, health care professionals and researchers.
We are the only charity in the UK – and the first in Europe – dedicated exclusively to Lewy body dementia.
Lewy body dementia is the second most common type of neurodegenerative dementia in older people. At least 10-15% of all people who live with dementia have Lewy body dementia.
We campaign to raise awareness of Lewy body dementia in those who need to understand the disease and its impact – people living with Lewy body dementia and those who can make a difference to their futures.
We fundraise to research new treatments and potential cures.
Until the 2014 death of actor Robin Williams, not many people had heard of Lewy Body Dementia, even though it comprises an estimated 15% of all dementia cases. Aimed to raise awareness of the condition, Living with Lewy is a two-episode bespoke podcast produced by ITN Business for the Lewy Body Society,
It is Lewy body Society’s mission to fund clinical research, understand the causes of Lewy body dementia, and advance its diagnosis and treatment. We have funded ground-breaking projects and worked with top UK universities since 2007.
Help us support more people living with Lewy body dementia and lead research for better diagnosis and treatment
A DAD is hoping to make his family proud by taking on the World’s Toughest Row to raise £100,000 for those living with Lewy body
We are proud to announce the latest Lewy Body Society ambassador, showbiz legend Christopher Biggins, just in time for panto season. The Oldham-born actor is
Lewy Body Society is celebrating its five years of funding the UK’s first Consultant Admiral Nurse for Lewy body dementia. Admiral Nurses offer support to people with
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© 2023 The Lewy body Society. Registered Charity No: 1114579 (England and Wales) and SC047044 (Scotland). Website by ATTAIN